PH Innovation

Sit/Stand table

Our goal - More movement for the money

There are today a number of products that do not meet the most basic requirements for good ergonomics when working standing or sitting. Our ambition is to offer innovative sit/stand tables that can handle this, but also meet the requirements and standards but also meet the requirements and standards established in the market. Our products have a long stroke (minimum/maximum height) with a unique stability regardless of which variant you choose. The different models are based on the same unique basic construction, with extremely few details, which provides great benefits for both producer and consumer as well as reduced climate impact. The solutions are patent protected in a large number of countries.

Desks for everyone - Long as short

In our new table series there is something for everyone. With the right desk, arms and shoulders end up in the right position, which is the key to good ergonomics. Our sit/stand tables are consistent with quality and simple, Scandinavian design.

Sit/Stand Table

550 - series

This is our simplest variant, but the stroke is still an impressive 550 mm, which no one else on the market can handle, with only two telescoping tubes and sufficient stability.

Sit/Stand Table

600 - series

This is ours most unique table. With a patented drive system, we manage a 600mm stroke with fantastic stability, this with only two telescoping tubes. We fulfill EN 527-1, which means that the 600 series will be a very affordable alternative in procurements, where EN 527 is a requirement.

Sit/Stand Table

660 - series

This leg has a patented drive system of the intermediate tube, which results in a low manufacturing cost. A solid 660mm stroke gives the possibility of being used by both short and tall people, without compromising on ergonomics.

Our goal - More movement for the money

Vår ambition är att erbjuda innovativa sitt/stå bord som klarar de krav som användare ställer, men även uppfyller de krav och normer som är etablerade i branschen. Många av borden som finns på marknaden idag är endast anpassade efter den breda massan, vilket gör att längre eller kortare personer inte kan uppnå bra ergonomi, även med ett sitt/stå bord. Vi bakom PH Innovation vill att alla ska ha möjlighet till bra ergonomi, och erbjuder därför våra bord med olika ställområden för att matcha din längd. Detta håller nere produktionskostnaderna, samtidigt som det skapar ett bord som är väl anpassat till just dig.

Are you interested in our Sit/Stand tables?

Do not hesitate to contact us for orders or questions!